I love raw almond milk! Not only is it good for you but it tastes delicious! I have it in my green tea lattes, on my muesli, in smoothies and green drinks and in place of dairy in any recipe. I've been experimenting with making nut milks for a while now and come up with one that everyone around here enjoys. Here it is....
1 1/2 c raw organic almonds
2-3 dates
~7 cups water plus more for soaking
1/2 teaspoon pure almond or vanilla extract (optional)

1. Measure and soak the almonds in enough fresh water to cover them. Leave them for 6-12 hours. I usually soak them overnight.
2. 1-2 hours before you plan to make the nut milk, soak the dates in a little water to soften them.

3. Rinse the almonds and put them in your blender (a heavy duty blender such as a Vitamix works best). Add the dates reserving the date water. Add 6 cups water (including the date water) and blend on high for a minute. Add 1- 1 1/2 cups more water.
vegetable bag (or cheese
cloth) over a large jug or

5. Carefully pour the almond milk through the mesh and let it drain.
6. Squeeze out the excess "milk".

7. Store in the fridge.
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