Friday, 12 April 2013


So, you're trying to lower your cholesterol by reducing or eliminating animal products from your diet?  Did you know that your body needs cholesterol....but that it actually makes all it needs!  You don't need to add ANY extra.  Extra will only make you more likely to get sick!  
It is difficult to change your diet because food is addictive especially fats, salt and refined sugars.  When I became vegetarian I gradually eliminated different animal products from my diet.   The most difficult thing for me to cut out was dairy.  At first, I found that what helped the most was educating myself about the health, environmental and animal impact of eating dairy products.  Then I just took the plunge...I wasn't overweight but I lost weight and felt great!  
Lunches seemed to be the most difficult meal when I transitioned from a Lacto-(dairy)Vegetarian to a Vegan diet.  I soon realized that I was having cheese at almost ever lunch.  Below are some of the sandwich ideas that are my favourites! When possible use whole grain breads! 

1.  Stone ground mustard, avocado, tomato slices, cucumber slices, peperoncini peppers, fresh ground black pepper and a huge handful of spinach

2.  Chipotle hummus mixed with mashed medium tofu, thinly sliced red bell peppers, cucumber slices, fresh ground black pepper and a huge handful romaine lettuce

3. Lemon basil hummus, tomato slices, Calamata olive slices, fresh ground pepper and a huge handful of baby kale or arugula

4.  Almond butter, thinly sliced apples and a huge handful of baby kale

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